Welcome to our new gallery page!

If you have found your way here, welcome! We have lots of exciting news following our project celebration last, a huge thank you to everyone who joined us! You can now access all three Heb Ffiniau videos on one link, offering the viewer a chance to see the wonderful work as it emerged throughout the research and development process. 

Also we have been dusting off the online studio as many of you have been asking to see more! Over the next few weeks we will be sharing some of the individual responses, and more about the project and process.

I am so grateful to everyone who was involved for making it such a  success, for being so supportive, being open to working in new ways, for sharing so much, for the laughter, the tears, and the dancing! It has been a real privilege and quite an emotional journey! 

Here's the link for the project videos, and a massive thank you to Yoni Bitterman for all the work that went in to them, and for creating three beautiful original soundtracks to accompany each video.

Thank you to  Pontio Arts Centre  and  Hijinx Theatre Company for all their support, and of course to Arts Council Wales for funding the project and making it possible.

You are welcome to join us too for our Heb Ffiniau online movement sessions, a chance to move, breathe and relax in your own way in your own space! Booking through Pontio.

Thank you so much for popping in, do come back soon to see some more of this wonderful work!